Home remedies

Please note that these are home remedies and not treatments so this can work for immediate short term , if symptoms persist visit a local Ayurvedic doctor .



Indigestion is considered as small and insignificant symptom but Ayurveda considers indigestion as the root cause of many diseases . The symptoms of indigestion are Bloating , excessive burping , heartburn , nausea , abdominal pain , gases , acidic taste in mouth and decreased appetite .


Home remedy : Take 1 inch of a fresh ginger root , crush it using a pastel squeeze the juice , make sure you get 1 teaspoon along with a pinch of rock salt . This can be taken with luke warm water . This should improve the digestion fire and will reduce the symptoms .


How does it help : Ginger increases the apetite by igniting your digestive fire . The rock salt or Saindhav corrects the peristaltic movement of the intestines which pushes the food down So combination of this corrects the metabolism peristaltic movement in the stomach and intestines .



Muscular pain


Take one teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of alum in a medium sized bucket filled with 7 to 8 liters of water . The water should be luke warm . If its your hands or feet which has any muscular pain dip it in the bucket and if the pain is on any other part you can pour the water slowly on the affected area . Then do a hot fomentation with a hot bag .


How it helps : salt in the water creates osmosis ie flow of fluid from the cells to the blood which can then detox a it passes through the liver and kidneys and relives the swelling. Alum has anti inflammatory action so combined action of anti inflammatory and odema removal help in relieving pain .


Note : This should be taken for 3 to 5 days and if the pain persists please contact an ayurvedic doctor .


Headache ( on the front portion of the head and sinus ) :


Take 1 or 2 spoons of dry ginger powder or soonth ( as we call it in india ) mix it with water and make a thin paste . Mix it in water and make a thin paste . Apply medium to thick layer of the same on your forehead and let it dry completely . Once it is dry wash it luke warm


How it works : Ginger contains around 200 substances which can penetrate and do wonders to you one e.g : it blocks the prostaglandin secretions and hence induces muscle contractions and controls inflammation .


Headache ( on the back side or from the back of the head to the neck region )


Immediately have buttermilk or Kokum sharbat or Khus sharbat . These are the natural alternatives . In case you don’t have this at home then you can have Sodium bicarbonate ( which is not natural though and may have some side effects ) .



Tooth Ache :


Chew and hold two or three cloves under or between the teeth where the pain is . Keep doing this 3 to 4 times through the day .


How does it work : Clove oil contains an natural anesthetic chemical called Eugenol . Eugenol numbs the nerves in the gums and also is an antiseptic which kills the germs .



Chronic Back Pain :


Take 10 cloves of garlic in 100 ml of milk , then add 200 ml water to this Boil it till it reduces to 100 ml from the 300 ml mixture of milk and water . Filter this and have this milk everyday in the morning whenever you have back pain .


How does it help : Garlic is a powerful anti inflammatory . Also it contains selenium which inhibits inflammatory response in the body and helps relieving pain . Garlic also contains capsaicin which has analgesic properties.


Earache :


Grind 4 to 5 cloves of garlic and make a fine paste . Boil this paste with 20 ml sesame oil for around 5 to 10 mins . Filter this and cool down the mixture . Once it is just luke warm meaning you can keep your finger dipped in it , pour 4 -5 drops in the ear and close the ear with a cotton plug.


Precaution : In case your eardrums have perforations or have frequent ear infections then ask an ayurvedic doctor first .


Stomatitis ( Mouth ulcers )


1 or 2 betel leaves can be ground and make a paste . This pulp can be applied on the ulcers . One spoon of ghee with half spoon of honey and apply it on the ulcers.


How does it work : Betel leaves are astringent and this absorbs the excess fluid and reduces edema there . Also subsides the inflammation . Honey acts as an antiseptic and ghee helps to regenerate new cells.