More Home remedies

Acute Rhinitis ( Continous watery discharge from the nose redness and sneezing and heaviness of the head feeling feverish:


Take 7 to 8 tulsi leaves + ½ tsp turmeric powder + pinch of black pepper + little diced ginger + 2 cups of water add some jaggery to this . Boil and reduce it to half a cup . Filter this and take three times a day . Make sure to have it little warm not hot .


How it works : Tulsi leaves contain compounds like camphene , eugenol and cineole in its essential oils . These compounds are very effective in bronchitis acute and chronic respiratory condition .



Dandruff :


Add 2 pinches of natural camphor (from any ayurvedic store ) in ½ bowl of coconut . Heat it a little . Cool this down till luke warm and then apply on hair . Also use 1 full Lemon and use lemon juice all over the scalp once a week on the hair after shampoo. In case you have never used oil or rarely use oil then using oil once or twice a week . This is the best way to get your scalp clean . You can use sesame oil or coconut oil or castor oil mixed with sesame or coconut oil . Sesame is the best out of these except summers , in summer one can use coconut oil . If you live in a cold place sesame or mustard oil every night before shampooing is fine . Remember to use lemon juice from one lemon after the shampoo . Try using a natural shampoo powder instead like shikakai and reetha mixed with amla .


How this helps : Oil strengthens the roots of the hair as well as conditions hair . Oils can penetrate into the scalp making it the best medium of nourishment for all types of hair and scalp . Sesame and coconut Oils are also anti bacteria or anti fungal . All this helps to nourish your scalp and cleanse it from the harmful chemicals which come from shampoos. Camphor helps in removing lice as well. The lemon is an important part of hair cleansing as your scalp and hair should be slightly acidic to stop any fungal or bacterial growth . Natural suds / shampoos are far better than chemicals and will increase the volume of hair .


Foot or lip cracks


Simply use Ghee or white butter and keep rubbing till the burning sensation goes . The first and second application will absorb all the ghee or white butter . Later you will see the ghee making a glossy coating on your lips . Even for cracked feet use ghee both on the cracks and below your feet before sleeping. ( Do not use a pair of socks or plastic ) Just keep a large towel so not to soil your bed with the ghee . Make sure that the ghee or white butter on the feet is absorbed well. The effect would be visible the next morning . Do this for two or three days and see the difference .