Slave of wrong habits ? Create more bad Karma .

When we meet our patients ,  we see one common issue . All humans are slaves of their  habits …. good or bad doesn’t matter .. We may think we know how the universe works but we have absolutely no idea today. The reason is because we have all moved away from nature . We all have theories and fantasies, opinions and beliefs which we are very fond of . Most of all our habits which we have acquired over the years …They become the building blocks of our identity. We define ourselves by the notions we subscribe to and the philosophies we reject and refuse to accept . Yet still, when we try to spell out the facts, we function largely in the realm of our imagination and make belief which we have created over the years of upbringing , environment and what we read and formed opinions of …. to understand how or to know how the universe works just learn to unlearn everything … everything !! When you are a Slave of your habits ( which are mostly wrong habits ) will create more bad Karma … and when you get that dreaded disease you ask GOD …” Why me ? ” …Well it has nothing to do with God or the universe , its to do with you . Period .

We talk about changing habits of people everyday while treating or counseling them , whether its a corporate event or just an individual . What are wrong habits ? wrong habits are those habits which do not follow the laws of the universe or the cosmic law .  Here are a few examples , sleeping late , waking up late , eating late , no exercise , eating junk food , hatred , anger ,  jealousy and many more things . We have to show people in so many ways by which they could have been so wrong to believe what they have been till now . The first thing that happens is  that most people push back because no one really  likes to change , everyone is in a comfort zone . Who really likes being challenged with their thought process . So these are ways which really deter the treatment and also deters us humans from healing . Ayurvedic doctors  do have simple methods by which they can convince people about a poor lifestyle ,however there are many who don’t want to change until they forced by a disease . Whats even more surprising , some still don’t want to change even after being afflicted by disease … Thats when one moves towards death …. Slowly but steadily .

How do you stop being a slave of your habits? Well there is only one way – Thats your own WISDOM . Where does wisdom come from . Your own mind . How do you get wise ? By connecting with your soul or spirit ! It is easier for people with healthy bodies to connect with their soul .  The only way to wisdom is  meditation , which will get you a  healthy MIND ,BODY and SOUL .


Such things and more are what we discuss when we speak to our patients everyday . To know more or be a part of our mission to heal the world and heal yourself whats app us on +91 7045964227 . You can also write back to us here .