

Understanding the Factors Impacting Kids’ Mental Health and the Path to Wellness Today you see mostly kids with mental health issues.. and then they really bother the parents . Now its very clear why these kids have mental health issues , here are the reasons 1. Sleeping late and waking up late ( sleeping after …


Raw fruits and vegetables juices

Raw juicing and salads

  Had to include this as the fad diet of raw vegetable juicing and eating salads as meals is now catching up globally and so is vata related issues like bloating , hyper acidity , acid reflux , joint pains , thyroid , arthritis, anxiety , depression , over thinking . These are some of …

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why do get cancer

Why do we get cancer ?

Cancer cells are nothing but accumulation of cells which have not followed the process of apoptosis which is the regular function of the body . Cellular biologists study this topic on a regular basis just to understand how do cells behave . What is apoptosis ? Apoptosis is the destruction of cells or death of …

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